Hoda Siahtiri

Hoda Siahtiri is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher based in Brussels. She would like to call herself a “diseuse”, someone who narrates stories muted somewhere in the past. Hoda studied Cinema in Tehran and holds a Documentary Film Directing master degree from Docnomads. She has directed a number of short films shown at international festivals. Hoda has years of professional experience as a theater actress in Tehran. In 2017, she joined the artistic research platform a.pass and since then, she has been putting forward her ideas rather through the medium of performance art, sound, and ethnic vocal practices. She has performed in different venues including Centre Pompidou Paris, the Belgian Royal Museum of Fine Arts, and BOZAR. Since 2020, she is a Ph.D. researcher at Sint Lucas Antwerpen and the University of Antwerp where she is working on her project “Singing The Silences”.

Publication & Curation